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Menstrual Cramp Tea
Menstrual Cramp Tea

Menstrual Cramp Tea

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Menstrual cramp tea can help end your period-related pain without the harsh chemicals. Made from a blend of all-natural, organic ingredients, our tea can help make your periods feel more manageable and make the struggles a little less painful. Experience the relief you crave with this gentle herbal tea! Try it today!

Red Raspberry Leaf- Tones, strengthens and soothes uterus muscles, balances heavy cramps, reduces heavy bleeding, menstrual cramps, & regulates menstrual cycle. 
Chamomile- relaxes, calms, and soothes tissues, reduces menstrual cramps, ovarian tonic & supports digestive tissues, reduces muscle spasms and relates muscles, and balances hormones. 
Nettle leaf- Reduces stress, removes toxins, supports uterus and ovaries. Promotes the cleansing of the kidney and liver, remineralizes the body while enriching the blood,  and balances hormones. 
Blue Vervain- (bitter) An antispasmodic that helps relieve muscle spasms, and cramps.

Boil 1 cup of water, then steep 1 tbsp for 10-15 minutes. 

can be taken up to 3x a day


*do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney problems.